It’s vital these community organisations get the support and assistance they need because they give back so much. They’re the ones spending winter mornings coaching on the sidelines. They’re the ones organising fun runs, sausage sizzles and raffles. They’re the ones offering struggling families assistance and the opportunity to get ahead in life, or driving research projects into life threatening diseases.
Mike Pero Real Estate Timaru is proud to sponsor a range of community groups around New Zealand.
The life education trust have been operating since 1991 and they teach children about the wonders of their bodies and which substances are needed and not needed to live a healthy lifestyle.
When covid-19 hit in New Zealand, South Canterbury Hospice did not have their usual opportunities to fund raise, With this in mind the Team at Mike Pero Timaru thought this would be a good opportunity to give back to the Hospice for all they do here in our local community and there help for families in there time of need.
When our community is in need we love to help where we can, Hanan Kindergarten in 2019 approached us for help adding more shade to their sand pits, we were more than happy to help.
Mike Pero Timaru supported their local community by giving gifts of Mike Pero cricket sets to them as part of their Christmas Present Drive.
Koru Care Kids is a charitable trust that helps to make dreams come true for seriously ill and disabled children, The Team in Timaru were happy to provide sponsorship towards medical cost for the children in the charity. Additionally earlier Team Timaru supported Kuro Care in sending some of their children to the Gold Coast.
Mike Pero Timaru helped to provide courses for people going through medical or traumatic situations in the Caninspire Trust.
Team Timaru have great joy in helping to fund the development in the new local playground that will bring joy to many children for many years to come.
During 2022, Timaru Mike Pero sponsored West End AFC Juniors. This sponsorship supplied the juniors with training tops, drink bottles and helps toward their end of year break up costs. West End AFC is a local Football Club who hold over 250 Members.